Bear 7 -Do you Dare? - Original Art - 148 Bears Project
Bear #7 in the 148 Bears Project.
Each bear in this project is either based on a real bear in the rescue we work with, or based on the empowerment of a bear.
I feel like this bear says "I dare you." or "I've dared myself." This is the true representation of deviating from the line, the box, or whatever container you were almost placed in. This bear defies, rebels, makes his own path. By their very nature the bear is already a confident king of the forest, but this one in particular is bold in his creativity and ability to manifest the world he designs, not the one he is given. This large and eye catching original is the embodiment of being fiercely protective, powerful beyond measure and strength, strength being based on inner power - not just the obvious outer.
For more on the project read below.
Welcome to the 148 Bear project. It’s an odd number right? In 2017 a bear I had grown quite attached to, called Bear 148, was shot by a hunter after a relocation to BC. She had gained quite a lot of notoriety for her familiarity with humans in the parks, roaming around Canmore and Banff, watching sports be played in the soccer fields. She had hundreds, literally hundreds of interactions with humans that were non-threatening, and was shipped off and then hunted. In my opinion Bear 148 is a symbol for our failure to interact with bears in any other way other than as a threat or as waste. Grizzlies are gorgeous, powerful creatures, and deserve to share the forests and land with both the respect and admiration that is due to them. I will be painting 148 bears, from Black to Spirit to Grizzly to Polar bear, because I feel like all these creatures speak to the critical state humanity has reached, regarding having a life of connection with the other creatures that bless us with their presence on this planet. Bear 148 was a gorgeous and peaceful bear, and she will be the 148th painting in this process.
**Original Art is priced with Shipping and handling included anywhere in North America. If you are International please message the team at to get pricing beforehand.